Monday, October 25, 2010

Attention Network TV executives:

For the love of everything holy would you people please pretend to care about the programming that you put on the air? Why must you fuck up a fairly decent show by allowing the retarded director and incompetent camera man to ruin the show? Do those idiots think that moving the camera around constantly adds something to the storyline? Well, I can tell you that it does not and it really means that I will stop watching the show even though it’s not bad. Because I get seasick when I watch it I am abandoning it, there is no reason or excuse for the poor camera work. Just because someone used this technique once does not mean that you need to beat the idea to death!

I know that there are times that you cannot use a steady cam but this is getting ridiculous, the camera does not need to bounce up and down all the time. I try to guess what the camera man is doing, is he fucking his girlfriend at the same time he is filming? Does he have Parkinson’s disease? Or is it pubic lice and he can’t stop scratching. Whatever the reason it is ANNOYING!!

But it probably doesn’t matter in the long run because you are going to cancel it anyway because no one in network TV has a clue anymore about what viewers really want. Too bad you are all so pathetic, you are killing network TV and it will be dead and gone totally in a few more years. Why don’t you listen to people who actually watch TV about what they want to watch, instead of ignorant focus groups that are completely out of touch with the average viewer?

Stop trying to cater to 18-25 year olds, they don’t watch TV anyway. I am 54 years old and have been watching for many years AND I have a lot more income to spend that 18-25 year olds. Get a clue people, you won’t have a job anymore if you keep screwing the pooch.

By the way, why do you keep wasting money listening to the Nielson ratings? That is the biggest bullshit scam in the world and I can’t believe you fall for this, but I guess you can’t think for yourselves so this is why you depend on erroneous results to determine what stays on the air.

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